About Loud and Clear

My name is Steven Darroh. I’m an ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist with an M.S. from University of Texas – Dallas. I’m also the current Chairperson of the Central Texas Advocates for Parkinson’s. I’m married and blessed with three wonderful boys.

The idea for Loud and Clear began in graduate school where I first saw how effective voice exercises are for people with Parkinson’s. I witnessed how voice exercise helps people make huge strides in speaking clearly and confidently. Research proves ongoing practice is critical for keeping hard-won voice recovery and for long-term maintenance. I’ve watched far too many people forced to drop expensive voice therapy after their insurance ends. More concerning are folks with no insurance or with physical/geographic barriers who never had access at all to the many benefits of these essential exercises. But no longer.

Loud and Clear gives people easy access to free, clinical quality voice exercises anywhere and anytime. Along with a devoted team, I developed this app based on years of experience with people with Parkinson’s, the need for affordable access to uninterrupted voice strengthening exercises, and an imperative to provide voice fitness to anyone regardless of their income status, mobility issues, or remote location.

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Headquartered in Austin, TX
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Help and Support

Loud and Clear is an affordable and accessible voice app for people with Parkinson’s Disease to strengthen their voice and restore quality of life through improved communication.

We have created a support channel for our users. If you are having issues or if you have feedback for how we can make the app better serve you, please let us know. We’re here for our users and want to ensure that we are doing everything we can to help you with your loud and clear voice.

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